He’ll exalt you
For laughing at his jokes;
He’ll look into your eyes cos’
That makes him feel more of a man –
Your vulnerability for him.

He finally found a greater purpose,
When he became the cushion
You lean on,
The one you trust with your woes.

You flattered yourself,
Not knowing

You are part of the meal,
Marinating to satisfy his primal desires.
He’ll enthrall you,
Then fine dine you –

Drink your soul
Likes it’s hot soup
With no accompaniment –
His last supper!

Ego needs pores to breathe;

His is an airtight helium balloon,
Which you inflated.

He’ll be flying to greater heights,
And you’ll be saying, ‘wait for me’,
But he won’t have the sensitivity
To understand
That he wasn’t the only main character
In that scene.

You will retreat to your mole-hole.

You will blame yourself.

You will awaken from the long sleep,

And when that helium seeps out,
And he descends like a failed parachute,
You will watch him from the foot of the hill

Where you found your lost heart,
Melted and remoulded by the midday sun.

This time, he is the sole main character –
It’s too bad it had to end that way.